Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Because it's Carnival Time!

Happy Mardi Gras to you and yours! I hope you all are having a good time today. For those of you who are not celebrating today, I say shame on you. I had a brief mardi gras season this year. Two weeks ago I caught Krewe de Viuex in the French Quarter. If you've never been then you should. It is a treat. Other than that I caught the big Slidell parade Selene on friday, Endymion on saturady, The super bowl on sunday, Drove back to the bayou on Monday, and just got back from the Thibodaux mardi gras day parade. Let me just say that I had no problem finding a parking spot and there was no problem finding a place to watch the parade. On the other hand, the parade only had 10 floats. K had some work to do so I took Sadie with me. She spent most of her time sniffing out chicken bones on the ground. She was a crowd pleaser as usual. Many kids petted her, and she didn't mind. At least 10 people stopped to talk about her and tell me how beautiful she is and what a sweet temperment she has. I know, She's the best, but I try to be humble. Above is a picture of her wearing some of the beads she caught.

Let me take this oppurtunity to congratulate the New York Giants on a victory in "The Big Game". Well played.

One more thing. I also wanted to give a shout out to the Catholics and the French for coming up with this Mardi Gras thing. I think it is brilliant to have a giant party leading up to Lent. I also think it is genius to give me a week of from work just so I can go to a big party. I know I have sometimes had my differences with the Catholics and the French, but today I raise my glass to you. Umm, my glass of apple juice, that is;)