Monday, April 21, 2008


OK, it's quiz time. What do you think the tatoo on my arm represents. Think, but not to hard, it may be easier than you think. Especially if you know me well.

No, it's not real. It's just sharpie on my arm. Then again, sharpie is a permanent marker so who knows how long it might be with me.

The winner of this contest gets 1,000,000 bonus points on the next test.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Still going, and going, and going...

As many of you may or may not have known, I like to think that I am a runner. I don't think I am a great runner, but I do run. I absolutely love it and wish I had more time to designate to it. I remember thinking ,back when I was in high school (1989-1993), that people who ran for the sake of running were crazy, or stupid. A friend of mine who lived in the neighborhood was on the cross country team and tried to get me to do a few runs with him. I think my initial dislike of long distance running was his fault. We ran about a 1/4 mile at a pace I could handle, then this fool says, "let's pick it up a little". Needless to say I got smoked. I tried to keep up but had to stop in order to keep my lungs from climbing outside of my body to get more oxygen. Perhaps if I had just ran a quarter mile that day and then ran a little further the next day I could have biult up some endurance and enjoyed the sport way back when. So, a few years passed and I stayed in shape(I use the term loosely) by playing basketball mostly with the occaisional flag football game and such mixed in. My next attempt at running came as a result of a less that perfect relationship. You see, I was dating this girl, and it suffices to say that we dated longer than we should have, During the last couple of months a felt trapped by this brood of vipers and was looking for a way to have some time to myself. One day, in order to get some peace and hopefully relieve some stress, I said "dear, sweet, kind, wonderful one(probably not my exact words), I think I need to get in better shape so I'm gonna go for a run". It was great! no nagging, no aggrevating, just mean and the beautiful scenery of rice mine road and the banks of the Black Warrior River in Tuscaloosa/Northport. What I quickly learned was that the longer I ran, the less I had to hear the naaging and aggrevation. So, I quickly went from a mile to 3-4 miles. As it turns out, I lost a few pounds and generally felt better. Not long after, the relationship ended. I continued to run. I still had many stresses and the running seemed to help. A good friend of mine, Parker, started running with me. Those are some of my best memories, running to the lock and dam, running river road, racing through downtown Tuscaloosa.
Then Steve, my brother, took ill. I moved to Texas and continued to run. But, in time I ran less and less. We eventually moved back to La. and I got a job at abita springs water. I tried a few times to run, but it's hard to muster up the energy to run after lugging 5 gallon water bottles all day. It wasn't until I left that job and went back to school that I started running again. The fall after Katrina, K and I were living in married student housing at LSU and I found myself with some free time. So, I started with a run around the band practice field. then around tiger stadium(singing ""Yea Alabama" as I ran). Once again, a mile grew to 4 miles and in april of the following year I ran the Crescent City Classic in 57minute and 19 seconds, almost 3 mintues faster than my goal to finish in an hour. I thought I would never stop running again. It had become part of my life. Well, Classes got hectic, we moved to Slidell and back to Baton Rouge. I was slinging hash at the OG most nights. My old friend running and I parted ways. I thought of him often and tried to rekindle our relationship a few times but wasn't in the cards. Finally, I thought to myself, "Damnit! I want to run. I will run". Now I run about four days a week. Distances ranging from 2-7 miles. Usually about 3.5. One of my best motivators now is to prevent any more growth of the buddha. It's an ongoing battle. The other motivator I have is Sadie the wonder dog. We have a decent sized apartment, but it has a tiny yard. Sadie is a 75lbs yellow lab/boxer mix (we call her a golden boxador). She is very well behaved but if she doesn't get regular exercise she begins to start chewing on stuff. We don't have much but what we do have we try to keep nice, so it is my job to get Sadie the needed exercise to prevent legs from being chewed of of couches or the conversation "honey, have you seen my cell phone?", reply,"I don't know where the phone is but sadie's butt is ringing."
At any rate, I run. Last month I ran the crescent city classic in 1:01:43(beating my goal of 1:06:00).
I wrote this big long post just to get to this point. I have decided that to keep myself motivated, and to facilitate a healthy lifestyle, I should make some goals for myself. Well, I have and here they are. Within the next calendar year from today(April 13, 2008) I plan to run a half marathon, a full marathon, and a 1/2 Iron man tri-athalon. I will be in training all summer. Here is my race schedule.

Nov 23, 2008 - Ole Man River Half Marathon(New Orleans) 13.1 miles
Feb 1, 2009 - Mardi Gras Marathon(New Orleans) 26.2 miles
April 5, 2009 - Ironman 70.3 New Orleans - 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run (sounds fun, huh?).

so, if you call and I don't answer, I'm probably out running. I plan to run some smaller races along the way and the date of the marathon and half marathon may be moved up a little, if I can find other races nearby. But, the Ironman Date is set in stone. Here it is in print so hold me to it. I said I would do it and I will. Feel free to ask me how it's going or to join me along the way.
So there it is, my running history and future. Oh! My other goal is to run 1500 miles by New years day. There is a ticker at the bottom of the page that will track my progress. Check back to see how I am Progressing.

Ps. no, I don't run to get away from K. I run so that I will be in better health so that I may have more time with her.

Monday, April 07, 2008

A few thoughts on BBQ

Last night K and I were watching some cable television. One of our favorite shows is "No Reservations" on the travel channel. They showed 3 shows in a row, yes we watched for 3 non-stop hours. In these episodes, Tony Bourdain(the host) traveled to Hong Kong, Namibia, and Ghana. For those of you who may not be familiar with the show, Tony is a chef from New York, he travels the world and eats all manner of foods on the show and talks a little about the history and cultures of the area. Mostly, it's all about the food. Now we have watched this show for the last couple of years and have seen Tony in many foreign lands and I have noticed that all of the places on the show, and it seems to me that all places around the world, have at least one thing in common; BBQ. Our friend, grilled meat. Meat in all of its forms, beef, pork, chicken, fish, duck, goose, warthog, etc, etc..
I suppose that it makes since though. If we were to travel back in history to the first cooked meal what would we expect to see? We would see the first people who were able to create fire warming themselves after a hunt and accidentally dropping their kill into the fire. They would pick it up, take a bite and think "Wow, those are some good eats", or something like that. So, instead of throwing a whole wilderberast into a fire they would build a rack over the fire(as to not burn up the whole kill). Thus BBQ was born. Over time we have added various seasonings and spices and of course sauces, mmmm sauces! But the basics remain the same+meat+ fire+ rack=deliciosity!
I love BBQ. I love The smell of the meat, the crispness of the flame kissed outside and the soft jucy texture of the inside. I love the many different cuts and preperations. And i suppose that today I feel a little more connected to the world. I may never travel to Laos or Ghana or Uzbekistan, but I know that when it comes to firing up the old char-broil or lighting up the kingsford charcoal at family get togethers, we're doing more than just cooking a meal, we're embracing our global family and the spirit of our ancestors, the brotherhood of all mankind. Grill on brothers !

At the bottom of the page you will find my current list of favorite BBQ joints. I have travelled much lately so the list is small. Also, I have yet to find a worthy BBQ joint in the New Orleans or Baton Rouge metro area. Not to say there isn't one, I just haven't found it yet. Please feel free to let me know of any I should try. And TJ Ribs in Baton Rouge is not an option. I've been there and it absolutely sucked.