Wow, I'm actually sitting still long enough to update the blog. It has been a busy month for us and with school starting in a month I think I better do some hardcore relaxing. OK, I wont really be relaxing this month but I will definitely be slowing down.
Here's what has been going on.May 31st was my last day at Down the Bayou High School, it was also the day that we dropped Sadie off at puppy prison for a 10 day stint. I tried to think of it as a doggy hotel but face it, she was locked up in a little cage all day, that's a prison. But,we couldn't bring her to Disney world with us so it had to be done. That's right, we went to Disney World. We drove from the bayou to the north shore, Dropped off the head(Sadie that is) through our stuff in the Camry, waited 2 hours for the old man to get home from work, then headed east stopping to sleep somewhere around Tallahassee. Woke up the next morning and had a wonderful breakfast at the local "Po' Folks". Now that's my kinda place. We proceeded to Orlando, Where moms rented a house in a nice little resort community. Luckily it was a big house because there was a total of 14 of us staying there. We visited Disney's Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios(formerly mgm studios) and Universal studios. It was quite hot but quite fun. It was great having Bix roll with us for a couple days. We swam at the house and I even went running a couple days around the neighborhood. But, With all the walking we were doing the running was just a drop in the exercise bucket. I think I lost about 5 pounds on the trip. I have reclaimed my lost poundages since returning. There were lots of fun moments but the singular moment that stands out in my head is definitely Bix singing Ring of Fire at Karaoke. I'll never hear that song the same way, it was awesome.
When we got back we got back to Sportsman's Paradise we stayed an extra day on the North shore, The guy who lives across the street from the parents works in The Big Easy and rescued a puppy he found wandering the streets. But since he already has two full grown German Shepherds and a baby on the way, his wife said he couldn't keep it. K-love fell in love with it and now our family has grown to be a quartet.
The reason we stayed the extra day was that we had to cruise up to Capital city to close on a house. After signing my name 600,000 times they handed over the keys. We proceed to our new house and I made sure the plumbing was up to standard(if'n yo know whats I's sayin').
We then went back to the bayou, Packed and loaded the truck, and relocated, with the help of Keithy, Jules, Butch(my Dad), and DJ Woofer(my brother), to Capital City.Since arriving we have built a fence which was more difficult than originally planned because the ground here is like concrete. We painted the kitchen, dining room, and living room. We got a new bed(yippee). And other little odds and ends. We have more that we plan to do but were gonna take a little break for now, at least until next payday. Mad props to Tom and Jeri, The Indianians, and K-Renee on the fence job.
I also found a job. I was offered a civics position at Dutchtown High School. I am excited about being a Griffin. First I have to figure out exactly what a griffin is. I have attended some meetings and am about to start planning for the upcoming year.
I haven't run in about a month. So, 2 days ago I started training again. The 2 runs that I have gone on have felt pretty good. Although I am not nearly where I want to be in my fitness I feel like I will be progressing pretty rapidly. Starting to day I am on a 14 week training plan to prepare for a local 10 mile race in October. After that I will start a 16 week training program for the Mardi Gras Marathon on Feb. 1st. Well, I guess that brings you up to speed on us and since I'm not used to sitting in one place long enough to write something this long my bum is starting to hurt. I guess that means this post is over.
But don't worry, I've got plenty more to tell you about over the next couple of days.