Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink

I have been tired a lot lately but have managed to get a lot done both at home and at work. I got the Malibu working(not that you knew it wasn't). got a lot of the tree out of the back yard(the Gustav tree that is), and I bought a new Lawn mower yesterday, because the old one was becoming a pain in my @$$.

I cut the grass today, the new mower is freakin' awesome. It's a Troy-Bilt 190cc (6.75 something or others) push mower. It has a hell of a lot more power than the old mower(I use the term hell for emphasis, this thing's a beast).

But, it took me almost 2 hours to get home from work today, it usually takes 30 minutes. Therefore, instead of finishing the yard at 5:15 or 5:30, I didn't finish till 7:00. Not exactly how I like to spend my Friday evening. Then I threw burgers on the grill and we are currently watching the Presidential debate. Big fun on a Friday night.

Tomorrow we're taking Lily to the vet. She's been limping lately and we wanna get it checked out. Then at noon I'm helping one of my podna's move. And in the PM I'll be glued to the BAMA/UGA game. Luckily, we still have the big screen, yea!

Sunday, me and big brother are heading to the big greezy for the Saints/49er's game. So, I won't be able to work on lesson plans until Sunday evening. Not to mention that I'll be waking up at 6am Saturday and Sunday to get my runs in. So, I don't guess I'll be getting much rest this weekend. At least I won't be bored.
The title is a line from the Beatles song "I'm so tired" on the "white album". As a side note, the official title of that album is "the Beatles" But it has come to be known as "the white album." Not to be outdone, in the 1990's, Metallica released an album with a black picture on a black background. It's official title is "Metallica", but it is know as the "black album". Is it their homage to the fab four? have no idea, but it is an interesting parallel. Well, interesting to me, at least.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

500 club

Hello Friends. It's been a while since we last chatted. We survived the hurricane. We went with out power for about a week and a half. Even worse than that, we went with out cable for 3 weeks. But, we got it back yesterday. My mother evacuated to our house for the hurricane and brought her big screen TV with her. she is in Hawaii this week so I get to keep it, with cable, for at least one more week. She also left he Wii. Yes, I have already hooked it up to the big screen.

My running has suffered the last 2 weeks. I have been really tired lately, probably because of the crap I've been eating lately and the lack of sleep. So, I've been taking it easy and will start hitting it hard this week. Tomorrow is supposed to be 11 miles. I think I will scale it back to 8 or 9.
The 10 mile race I have been training for has been cancelled due to hurricane issues(Middendorfs, the host restaurant, is right on Lake Pontchartrain). So, I don't have a tune up race for the half marathon in November. I think I will continue my current plan and just have a one man race that day.

One spot of good running news. I hit the 500 mile mark this morning. My goal is to run 1000 miles this year, I am now half way there. Woo-Hoo! It's taken 8 1/2 months to do 500. I don't know if I can do another 500 in 3 1/2 months. But, I'm not giving up yet.

On the career front. I think I just had my best week as a teacher. I, for the first time, felt truly confident in my abilities to teach, motivate, and support my students. I like the way that feels. I know I will face some ups and downs this year and in my career, but right now, I feel good.

There is some other stuff I've been wanting to blog about but I don't remember what right now. But I did by a smoker today. I'm sure there will be many BBQ/smoker posts in the future as I master various techniques. Till then.......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And I think to myself....

The electricity is back on at our house. Woo-hoo! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed and sleep an hour later. The drive fro "the Dell" to Capital City is a B-otch. Now, we just need to clean all the debris in the yard and do some cleaning inside and we can restore a senses of "normalcy" to our lives.

Normalcy happens to be one of my least favorite words. I don't remember ever hearing the word before 9-11. It was used to exhaustion after Katrina. and now I wish it would fade away. I've been trying to come up with a new word to replace it but haven't found the perfect word just yet. Though I am currently leaning towards normalociticiousness. Just a thought.

The other word that I don't care for is wherewithal. Ray Nagin used this word at least 27 bazillion times after Katrina and used it in full force during Gustav as well. I don't recall ever hearing this word before Katrina, but it is possible that it's just because I have a small vocabulary. Or, a low measure of vocabulariousness.

But enough about words for now, I have electricity. Now, if I only had cable. "What a wonderful world this would be."

You may recognize the title as a line from the Louis Armstrong classic "What a wonderful world". The last line of the post is from the 1960 Sam Cooke tune "what a wonderful world(this would be)". Both of which you can find on our old friend youtube.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"I see hurricanes a-blowin"

Stupid Gustav has totally messed up the routine I was getting into. Work was going well. My training was going well. Then, big ole stupid-headed Gustav had to knock down trees in my yard and devastate BR. The parentals evacuated to my house. Luckily, their house(which had 6 1/2 feet of water after Katrina) didn't even lose power this time. So, after living in our powerless house for a day after the storm we relocated to their house. It feels like we are playing musical houses at this point. Bad news: its suppoesd to take 14 -21 days to get pwer restored to my neighborhood. No Bueno!

I have missed a week of work(because schools are closed) and am supposed to go back tomorrow. I guess we'll be making a 2 hour commute each way everyday until power is restored to our neighborhood. By the way, Entergy reported that our neighborhood was the hardest hit in BR, just my luck.

Good news today that they are going to begin working on restoring power to my neighborhood today. But, given the massive amounts of destruction, I don't expect to have power for several more days.

I have had to adjust my running schedule slightly but have still gotten my workouts in. I miss running in my hood. Running here in moms hood seems so dreary and tedious. Not that its a bad hood, it just isn't home.

And if all this isn't enough, Hurricane Ike looks like it's heading this way too, Wonderful!

We did get to see some of K-love's family Saturday so at least some good came out of it. And, Sadie and Lily have become fast friends with the dogs across the street from the parents.

Today is the opening game for 5the saints. Kickoff is in 20 minutes so I gotta finish this post soon. I am more excited about this football season, college and pro, than I have been the last several years. I'm looking in to getting a smoker so that I can enjoy football and bbq on the weekends. But, I can't decide which smoker I want.

Well, I guess that's enough for today. Hopefully I'll be home soon. I'll keep you posted.