Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cramping my style

I talk a lot about overcoming barriers in my posts. I know I have many to overcome and I truly look forward to the challenge and am confident that I will overcome those barriers. However, I've got one that is truly owning me right now. It's bringing me down and destroying my life. The cramp that I developed in my left calf at mile 19 on Sundays long run came back today.

I was doing a tempo run(faster pace)today and at mile 4 it reared its ugly head, and man did it hurt. It is super frustrating because I was supposed to be doing 8 miles today. I got through 5 but did not want to risk doing any real harm 2 1/2 weeks before the race.

I don't know what to do about it. Should I run less, stretch more, use Icy-Hot? This is terrible timing.

Keith and Julie, please feel free to give any advice on this matter. You're sort of my marathon advisers.

My biggest worry is that if I don't get this resolved soon that it will be a lingering thought in the back of my head on race day. That could create major problems if i'm thinking about that while running for 5 hours.

This is not what I need right now. I could totally use some type of ego boost right now.

This is totally "cramping" my style


Mary Frances said...

Just rub some mentholatum on it! Or, you could spray windex on the site of the cramp.

Scott said...

Mary, I think what you meant to say was, "put a little tussin on it".

Mary Frances said...

Yes, that is correct. Sorry, I forgot the technical terminology:(

Mary Frances said...

Yes, that is correct. Sorry, I forgot the technical terminology:(

curia_regis said...

I'd say run LES MILES. That'd probably do it...I doubt you'd get a cramp by running 8-5 miles (including the GA Tech win)...

sorry that i have no actual running advice...

Steven Wallace said...

try the LES MILES approach. I should work. way to go curia regis!!